Why Wrist Compression Sleeve’s Are Important For Support And Recovery

Have you ever packed in your training session due to a sore wrist, then you wouldn’t be the first. I remember before Sneakydeez was the wrist support, I couldn’t get through a rehearsal and training without feeling the ache of my wrists halfway through my session.

As a pole dance teacher, I was teaching 3x intense 45-minute workout training and there were times where I struggled to hide my wrist pain. But I wasn’t the only one who had these wrist pains.

I knew people who had the same thing who…

  • Loved yoga but without yoga wrist wraps they felt like their wrists were on fire
  • Devoted CrossFitters who some times had to skip training because they worried about the condition of their wrists
  • Gymnasts are known to be perfectionists in their craft. And as you would expect they beat them themselves up physically and mentally if they are not up to par.
  • Lifters are another subset of people are constantly pushing the boundaries, but it only makes it frustrating when your wrists decide to give out

Is It Normal To Get Wrist Pain?

Wrist pain can be a result of many variables. From my opinion which is purely anecdotal from the 1000’s of people who now use Sneakydeez compression wrist support. Its normal people with small wrists or people with prior injury and trauma.

And its probably no surprise because many may not be aware of the little known safety precautions of wrists in sports, other than Tennis (Tennis elbow). Wrist tendons are delicate and after just one injury can cause lifelong problems with wrist function. Having the correct wrist compression sleeves are essential to wrist safety when doing any kind of sport or activity.


Best Compression Wrist Support Wraps

If you want to prevent painful wrists and potentially irreversible wrist injury while maintaining peak performance then do yourself a favor and invest in a pair of compression sleeves or wraps. There are many on the market which are affordable and good products that can help you with preventing aches and pains.

It may seem overwhelming at first to choose the correct wrist compression sleeves, but if you are still here we mention a few trustworthy brands including our own Sneakydeez compression wrist wraps that are used by many people all around the world.

How Can Compression Wrist Wraps Help?

Its little known by many but our wrists a prone to daily stress, whether that’s indirect to functional every stuff like typing on your computer, phone, tablet to things more strenuous like working out, carrying shopping bags to opening up your car door.

Thanks to compression it can help with the dull aches and pains bought on the daily wrist stresses.

Sneakydeez Compression Wraps

Call me bias, yes we are putting Sneakydeez at the top of the list and it’s not to be disingenuous, We have countless reviews praising Sneakydeez for what they have done for our amazing customers. Reviews of Sneakydeez can be seen here and on Instagram reviews.

Thank you xoxo ❤️❤️❤️ FYI I broke that right wrist twice as a kid. And that was back in the 70’s when they would cut the cast off and kick you out the door, no physical therapy or follow up haha. Left wrist got weak from overcompensating. So you KNOW these wrist guards work! ???????????????? Will be putting in another order with a dancer from my studio today in another color!!!

  • Have confidence that your wrist has the best support without compromising free wrist movement and comfort.
  • Forget about the common blood circulation problems with other products (Its flexy design promotes easy blood circulation for wrist strength)
  • Adjust in seconds for comfort and support without spending extra money for “better fitted” wraps
  • No more fatigued and achy wrists during and after training sessions (The difference is night and day just check out the reviews)
  • Multi-purpose wrist recovery and healing to make your wrists feel revitalized whether you are typing on your laptop or working out
  • With over 1000+ Sneakydeez users worldwide you’ll be in good hands thanks to our 24/7 support

So if you are serious about protecting your wrists then click here to go to the Sneakydeez shop


Recovery Wrist Sleeve By Copper Compression

Copper Compression has been designed specifically for sore tendons, joints, and wrist for arm muscles. Current the copper compression design is patent-pending allows you to adjust for optimal comfort.

Zensah Wrist Support

Zenash is a US-based compression company making products from U.S soil. The compression is built for hand, wrist, and for-arm for extra compression and while it’s not optimal for pole dance, CrossFit and etc, it falls short of offering ideal grip and would suit better for gym and healing and recovery applications.

It also helps with conditions such as carpal tunnel, tendonitis, and general wrist aches and pains.


Final Thoughts

While there are many wrist compression products on the market very few actually work and offer the right support and recovery and healing benefits like the above products mentioned. We Recommend doing your research and if you suffer from a wrist condition it is always recommended to consult a doctor or medical professional before buying any such products.

If you are in need of wrist support for training and sporting activities then these compression support wraps and sleeve will do the job you need to stop wrist pains in their tracks. Remember if pain persists then consult a medical professional and maintain an ideal rest time to avoid injury.