Types Of Wrist Pain Medicine and Treatments – Wrist Support Relief

The wrist is one of the most overused parts of our body, so it’s easy to see why it caves into all that pressure and stress it is subjected to daily. From typing to driving to eating to exercising and more, there is hardly any activity that doesn’t involve the hands and wrist.

Unfortunately, all that excessive pressure and workload can eventually take a toll on the wrist, resulting in mild to severe wrist pain. And if not diagnosed or treated early, things can spiral out of control and prevent you from engaging in the things you love. Not just that, it can affect your overall quality of life, and we doubt you’ll like that very much.

Now to the million-dollar question, what is the best medicine for wrist pain? Read on, and you’ll find out in a bit. But before then, let’s look at why you have wrist pain and what to do to manage the pain you’re feeling.

Why you feel wrist pain

Wrist pain can be triggered by a lot of factors beyond your control. That said, the common causes of wrist pain are linked to existing conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, gout, and injuries to the wrist.

Besides some of the causes of wrist pain highlighted above, wrist pain can also be triggered by a sudden impact like falling forward on an outstretched hand. The sad thing about falling forward on an outstretched hand is that it leaves behind trails of sprains, strains or even fracture in severe cases.

For people who engage in activities that require repetitive wrist motion like bowling a cello, hitting a tennis ball or driving cross country, your wrist can succumb to repetitive stress. This condition causes inflammation of the tissues around the joints.

It can also cause what professionals refer to as stress fracture. This is very common among people who perform activities for hours without taking a break. One example of repetitive stress injury is De Quervain’s disease which triggers pain at the side of the thumb.

Who is more prone to wrist pain?

Whether you’re very active, sedentary or find yourself somewhere in between, anyone can have wrist pain. That said, your risk of suffering from wrist pain may be increased by:

Actively participating in sports: If you’re are an avid sports lover and engage in one or two sports, you’ll agree that wrist pain isn’t something you can entirely avoid. And whether you engage in sporting activities that involve repetitive stress on the wrist or hands, your chances of getting your wrist injured are pretty high. From football to bowling to tennis to golf to basketball and more, there is hardly any sporting activity that doesn’t put your wrist on the firing line.

Repetitive action: Does your work involves the active use of your hands and wrist daily? Then you should start bracing up for impact as your wrist may eventually cave into all that pressure it is subjected to daily.

From activities like cutting hair to knitting and more, there is hardly any activity that is performed often enough that will not result in disabling wrist pain. This can even be aggravated if performed often and forcefully too.

Suffering from existing diseases or condition: Besides actively participating in sporting activities, and engaging in activities that require repetitive action, suffering from certain illnesses or conditions puts one at risk of suffering wrist pain. If you’re pregnant or suffer from diseases like diabetes, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, you may be at risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome.

Can you prevent wrist pain?

Nobody wants to expereince wrist pain, and we are sure you’ll go to any length to avoid wrist pain. That said, it’s practically impossible to prevent unforeseen events that can trigger wrist pain and injuries. Notwithstanding, we have found some fantastic tips that may offer some protection against wrist pain and injuries.

Try to build bone strength: We understand that this is easier said than done, but guess what, there are lots of excellent medications that are specially formulated to help build bone strength. To start with, you can try getting enough calcium into your body. Anything from 1000 milligrams a day should do the tricks for most adults. For women over 50, you can up your calcium intake to 1200 milligrams per day. This will help prevent fractures.

Avoid falls: Falling forward on an outstretched hand is the primary cause of most wrist injuries, but you can protect yourself from falls by wearing good shoes. Also, you can remove obstacles within your home that can cause you to trip over. To take things up a notch, you can install handrails on your stairs or grab bars in your bathroom.

Again, ensure you keep your floor dry always, so you don’t trip over every now and then.

Wear protective gears: For people with an active lifestyle who engage in athletic activities, its super important to wear wrist guards. If you engage in high-risk activities like rollerblading, playing football or snowboarding, it will do you a lot of good to keep your wrist protected by wearing the right wrist guard. Not doing so is a recipe for disaster and we are sure you wouldn’t like that.

Pay attention to form and overall ergonomics: If your job description entails spending an awful lot of hours typing on the keyboard, we implore you to take breaks every now and then.

Also, when typing on the keyboard, try to keep your wrist in a relaxed and neutral position. If that doesn’t do it for you, you can invest in an ergonomic keyboard, along with foam-based or gel wrist support. Although these accessories are expensive, it is worth it. Plus, we are sure you’ll go to any length to prevent wrist injuries.

Fix your posture

We are all guilty here. The truth is a lot of us don’t really care about our posture, so it’s so easy to just slump over your chair without a second thought. Sadly, poor posture can do a lot of damage to the joints of the body, and that includes the wrist. To be on the safer side, always try to:

  1. Sit upright
  2. Your back should be flat against the back of your chair when sitting.

Switch positions

Switching position does a lot of good to your joints, and that includes your wrist. If you can afford it, get a stand-up desk. This way, your body gets to rest from staying in the same seated position for hours. Alternatively, you can take rest every 30 minutes, walk around and relax your muscles.

Stay hydrated

The importance of staying hydrated cannot be overemphasised, so its essential to always maintain your fluid level. For those who have no idea, dehydration triggers muscle fatigue and tendonitis, resulting in mild to severe pain in some people.

That said, staying hydrated is one of the easiest things to do. All you have to do is stay hydrated during the day. Remember that taking carbonated soft drinks is a no-no as it doesn’t count towards the goal of staying hydrated. All you need to do is take water from time to time.

Keep in mind that healthy tendons and muscles are mostly comprised of water.

How is wrist pain diagnosed?

Just as there is no one single cause of wrist pain, there is also not one single procedure for diagnosing wrist pain. From physical examination to other elaborate techniques, your doctor will explore everything at his disposal to figure out why you feel pain in your wrist.

During physical examinations, here are some things your doctor may do:

  • Examine the wrist for swelling, tenderness or check for signs of deformity.
  • Your doctor may ask you to move your wrist slightly. This is to investigate for a decrease in range of motion.
  • Examine your grip and forearm strength.

In situations where physical examination doesn’t clearly show the cause of your wrist pain, your doctor may suggest you carry out arthroscopy, imaging or nerve test.

For imaging tests, you may be asked to either carry out ultrasound test, X-rays or CT scan.

  • X-rays: This is perhaps the most common test for diagnosing wrist pain. During X-rays, small amounts of radiation are used to capture bones structures. This will help reveal bone fractures or even signs of arthritis.
  • CT scan: This test helps give a more vivid image of the bones in your wrist. Thanks to CT scan, doctors can easily spot signs of fractures not visible with X-rays.
  • MRI test: Using radio waves and a strong magnetic field, an MRI scan is used to see the detailed images of bones and tissues. Instead of a whole-body MRI, there are smaller devices used for wrist MRI.
  • Ultrasound: If what you want is a simple and non-invasive test for wrist pain, then you should opt for an ultrasound test. This test helps visualise cysts, ligaments and tendons.

Nerve test

While imaging tests are sometimes inconclusive, doctors rely on nerve test to determine for sure the cause of wrist pain. If your doctor suspects that you may be suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome, he/she may request that you conduct an electromyogram test.

This test is used to measure tiny electric discharges in your muscles. While it may come off a little pricky especially considering that a thin needle-like electrode is inserted in the muscle to record electrical activities, we are happy to let you know that the test is harmless, so there is no need to freak out.

If your doctor suspects that electrical impulses are slowed around the carpal tunnel, he will suggest a nerve conduction test as part of an EMG test.


Like we earlier mentioned, the list of tests for diagnosing wrist pain is inexhaustive. One of them is arthroscopy. This test is a bit more reliable than imaging tests. During the procedure, a pencil-like instrument ( arthroscope) is inserted into your wrist via a small incision made in your skin. Artrsocope is fitted with tiny cameras which project images within your wrist to a bigger screen.

When it comes to investigating long term wrist injuries, arthroscopy is the gold standard. So for wrist pain that has defied all treatments, your doctor may suggest this test.

Wrist pain and wrist disease: What you should know

Wrist pain and wrist disease are two conditions that can affect your quality of life. While wrist pain can happen because of overuse and exerting too much pressure on the wrist, wrist disease happens because of degenerative wrist problems that just won’t go away.

Like the siamese twins, wrist pain and wrist disease are intricately related. And that’s because wrist pain is one of the many symptoms of wrist disease. So whether you’re suffering from arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, wrist fractures, ganglion cyst and other wrist conditions, chances are you must at some point experience either mild or severe wrist pain.

For mild cases of wrist pain, taking a few days rest should rid you of the pain you’re feeling. However, if pain persists and worsens after a few days, it is a telltale sign that something isn’t right, so get it checked out as soon as possible.

Also, remember that wrist diseases are not a death sentence. Prompt diagnosis and treatment will help you live a reasonably decent life. So the minute you start feeling pains that linger even after a few days of rest, visit your doctor for quick diagnosis and treatment. Trust us when we say you don’t want to wait until things get out of hands before seeing a doctor. Doing so will amount to shooting yourself on the foot.

When should you see a doctor?

Do you have wrist pain that just won’t go away after a few days of rest? Or you tried pain killer medications, and the pain didn’t subside after a few days? Well, it may be time to see your doctor. A wrist pain that doesn’t get better after a few days is a sign that something isn’t right. So instead of nursing your pain in silence, take a trip to your doctor for prompt diagnosis and treatment.

Your doctor is your best chance of figuring why your wrist hurts and what you should do to feel better.

Homoeopathic medicine for wrist pain

Did you know that wrist pain can be treated using natural homoeopathic medicines? Oh yes and we will show you some of the best homoeopathic medicines for wrist pain shortly.

The cool thing about homoeopathic medicines for wrist pain is that they are specially formulated to address the main cause of the wrist pain you’re experiencing.

Stay with us as we take you through some of the best homoeopathic medicines we have come across. The exciting part is that some of the homoeopathic medicines on our list are used to treat specific wrist conditions. So if you’ve always wanted to kiss goodbye to wrist pain, here is the opportunity you’re waiting for.

Read on to find our list of best homoeopathic medicines for wrist pain:

Arnica and Rhus Tox- used to manage wrist pain from injuries

Are you looking for a potent homoeopathic medicine to treat wrist pain from injuries? Look no further than Arnica and Rhus Tox. These powerful homoeopathic medicines for wrist pain are highly effective for managing wrist pain from injuries.

If you’re suffering from wrist pain from fall, contusions or blunt injuries, your best bet is to get Arnica. With Arnica, you can kiss goodbye to bruises, sore or pain that just won’t go away after using other medications.

On the flip side, Rhus Tox is very potent and highly recommended for people suffering wrist pain from strains and sprains. Not just that, Rhus Tox is also highly effective for managing and treating wrist pain from repetitive stress.

So if you suffer from any of the conditions highlighted above, now is your chance to lay your hands on these potent homoeopathic medicines.

Ruta and Rhus Tox: Help with wrist pain from tendonitis

The wrist pain from tendonitis can be almost unbearable and can affect your quality of life. But not anymore. With powerful homoeopathic medicines like Ruta and Rhus Tox to the rescue, you can start enjoying some relief from the wrist pain you’re feeling.

From inflammation to the soreness of tendons and more, Ruta and Rhus Tox, help to manage every symptom of wrist tendonitis you’re feeling. More so, they also help to reduce stiffness in the wrist.

Actea Spicata and Caulophyllum- for treating rheumatoid Arthritis

Have you tried treating rheumatoid arthritis and so far you’re aren’t seeing any meaningful improvement? Well, we have good news for you. With powerful homoeopathic medications like Actea Spicata and Caulophyllum, you’ll enjoy some relief from the excruciating wrist pain you’re feeling.

For people whose rheumatoid arthritis come with pain, redness and swelling that just won’t subside, you’ll be happy to know that Acetea Spicata will relieve you of the pain you’re feeling, allowing you to continue living a happy and healthy life.

If you tend to feel fatigued and exertions, and you notice that the pain gets worse with every movement, don’t try other medications. Simply use Acetea Spicata, and you’ll be fine.

For aching wrist that just won’t go away, try Caulophyllum, and you’ll be glad you did. While most over the counter medications come with side effects, not Caulophyllum. This medication isn’t only potent but also doesn’t come with any side effects. This makes it an excellent choice for people who don’t want to deal with the annoying side effects of other pain medications.

Causticum and Hypericum- For treating and managing pain from carpal tunnel syndrome

These two potent homoeopathic medicines are considered the best medicines for wrist pain from carpal tunnel syndrome. For dull and tearing pain in the wrist as well as overall weakness of the hands, Causticum will do a fine job of relieving the symptoms you’re feeling.

For people whose carpal tunnel syndrome disease come with tingling, numbness or burning sensation that runs through the wrist and fingers, you’ll enjoy quick relief by using Hypericum.

Silicea and Benzoic Acid- for managing wrist pain from ganglion cyst

While most ganglion cysts are benign, things could quickly spiral as the cyst becomes even more prominent. This will cause severe pain that can prevent you from engaging in the activities you love the most.

Thankfully, you don’t have to let things get out of the hands as you can now rely on Silicea and Benzoic Acid to do the job of managing the pain you feel. The exciting thing about these homoeopathic medicines is that they not only help manage the pain you are feeling but also help dissolve the ganglion cyst.

Note: While there are tons of treatment options that can help manage and treat mild to severe wrist pain, we have come to love homoeopathic medicines for their potency and quick result. To add to that, these medications don’t come with many of the side effects associated with other wrist pain medications on the market.

For optimum results, you’ll not be disappointed to give these blend of powerful homoeopathic medications a try. And regardless of the symptoms and pain, you’re feeling, homoeopathic medications for wrist pain are formulated to treat the root cause of the wrist problem.

Frequently asked questions

Can I treat wrist pain at home?

It is possible to treat wrist pain at home, especially if the pain is minimal. For mild wrist pain, you can take a few days off to rest and relax. Alternatively, you can apply ice packs to the affected wrist to numb the pain you’re feeling.

How can I prevent wrist injuries?

Although wrist injuries can be challenging to prevent, and that’s because we don’t have control over events around us, exercising regularly and wearing protected gears will help keep your wrist protected.

Does wearing wrist support help with wrist pain?

Wrist support braces offer a lot of benefits, and that includes protecting your wrist from injuries. With wrist support, your wrist has an extra layer of protection from injuries.


Wrist pain can happen to anyone. Whether from injuries or existing wrist conditions, most people have at one point in their life suffered wrist pain. But guess what, you don’t have to live with all that pain, especially considering all the exciting treatment options available today. Read through today’s post once again to find all the fantastic wrist pain medicine you can use to treat the pain you’re feeling.