Wrist Pain Handstand – How To Protect Your Wrists

Handstand training is becoming widely loved, and that’s because of the many benefits it offers. For starters, handstand helps to build core strength, develop body awareness while improving overall balance and control.

To add to that, handstands is more of an overhead pushing exercise. This makes it an excellent counter-movement for balancing.

But whenever you hear handstand, the same complaints keep popping up- Wrist Pain.

Why your wrist hurts

Without mincing words, wrist pain from handstands is very common, especially among people just starting to work on handstands. So its no surprise to see many people complain of wrist pain after some sessions of handstand exercises.

But here is the thing, putting your entire body weight on your fragile hands, can be a bit of a shocker for your wrist, which isn’t anywhere as sturdy as your ankles which can bear your upper body weight without any fuss.

Although it is quite normal to feel achy and experience some bout of slight discomfort, when starting out with handstands, but guess what, handstand wrist pain is your body’s way of telling you that something isn’t right. So it’s essential to not just work through it.

Read on as we highlight some reasons why you experience wrist pain from handstands.

Note: Before we delve into the nitty-gritty of wrist pain handstands, it’s important to state the facts. If you already feel severe or acute pain in the wrist, a numbness that just won’t go away or nursing any injury from the past, then you might need to see a doctor or physiotherapist to chart a way forward.

Getting mobility wrong

During handstand executions, your wrist is normally arched at about 90 degrees. For people who cannot flex or extend their wrist through a decent range of motion, without exerting excess pressure, you have no business weight bearing on it, at least for now.

If you try to hold your entire body weight at an angle of 90 degrees when your wrist joint isn’t naturally inclined to reach that position, you’re only forcing your joints to reach a position it isn’t ready for. This can cause injury to a tendon or ligament and may eventually trigger a wrist injury you’re not prepared for.

To explore your wrist mobility, try flexing or extending your wrist. If you naturally feel pain when doing this, then you need to spend more time working on your wrist mobility. Thankfully, there are tons of wrist warm-up exercises you can try out either at home or at the gym.

Not warming up as you should

We can all agree that warming up before exercises are important if you want to avoid injuries. But you know what, a lot of people don’t take this seriously and jump into a handstand position when they feel like. But not anymore.

If you want to excel in handstands while keeping your wrist healthy all the way, you must take wrist warm-up seriously. For people who are just starting out, you can kick off with wrist rolls and take things up a notch as you progress. The prayer stretch is also a good wrist warm up exercise every handstand enthusiast should explore.

Not doing too much, too quickly

We understand that becoming great at handstands entails putting in the work, but guess what, there is a right and wrong way to go about this.

Except you are already spending an awful lot of time with your hands on the floor, we are sorry, but your wrist may simply not be ready for all that weight-bearing that comes with handstands. The truth is, your muscles, ligaments and tendons need to get used to bearing all that weight and it can only do that through incremental weight-bearing.

And just before you get too excited, remember that tendons and ligaments take some time to adapt to training demands than muscles, so you may need to be patient to reach your handstand goals.

Common symptoms of wrist injuries

Handstand exercises can be a lot of fun. But you know what, wrist pain after handstands can be almost unbearable and keep you away from engaging in the things you love. For people just starting out, here are some common symptoms of wrist injuries you shouldn’t take lightly.

  • Swelling in the wrist is a sign that something is not right and should be checked out sooner rather than later. Although some swelling may be benign, others come with a severe pain that is almost unbearable. Should you notice any form of swelling in your wrist, quickly visit a doctor or physiotherapist for prompt diagnosis and treatment.
  • If you notice unusual bruises around the wrist, it’s a telltale sign that you may have overstretched your wrist. So do well to take some time off to heal. If you continue in that state, your condition may deteriorate.
  • Do you feel pain when moving your wrist? Then that’s a sign that you must have hurt your wrist when executing handstand exercises. But not to worry, you can take a few days off to rest and see how things progress. If you don’t feel any better, then feel free to see a doctor for prompt diagnosis and treatment.
  • Are you finding it difficult to grasp or hold objects or you experience weakness in your wrists? Then chances are you must have hurt your wrist. Usually, weakness in the wrist is a sign of an underlying wrist injury, so don’t take it for granted and have it checked out as soon as possible.

How to prevent handstand wrist injuries

Taking care of your wrist joint, especially for people with an active lifestyle is key if you want to sustain longevity in your handstand practice. Without a doubt, the wrist is vulnerable to injuries, and that’s because it is called into action too often. But you don’t have to put your wrist through all that stress when you can keep it protected from handstand based injuries. Here, check out how you can prevent wrist injuries:

  • Wrist stretch- flex: This is one of the many tricks you can explore to prevent wrist injuries. And surprisingly, it isn’t difficult to execute. To start with, you need to raise your arm in front of you and try to keep your elbow straight. If you’ve done this correctly, you can proceed to pull your wrist backwards using your other hand. The aim of this wrist exercise is to feel a mild to moderate stretch. For optimum result, you can hold for 15 seconds and do the same thing for your other wrist. Three sets should do the trick.
  • Wrist stretch- extend: This wrist exercise is super easy to execute and you can do it all by yourself. Simply start by raising your arm and have your palm facing upwards. It’s important that you keep your elbow straight. Having done that correctly, you can proceed to pull your hand down using your other hand. If you did this right, you should feel a mild to moderate stretch. Finally, stay in that position for 15 seconds and repeat the same process for the other wrist.
  • Flex with resistance band wrist: This is quite simple to execute. Start by wrapping a good resistance band around your hand. Now with your palm facing up, try to keep your elbow by your side. It should look quite similar to curling a dumbbell. For an effective result, try to keep your elbow bent at an angle of 90-degrees. Now, proceed to curl your wrist up and try to squeeze your hand and forearm muscles. Do the same for the other wrist.
  • Extend using a resistance band wrist: With your elbow tucked by your side, wrap a resistance band around your hand. Try to keep your palm facing downward and keep your elbow bent to 90-degrees. This should have your hands in a reverse curl shape. Now proceed to slowly curl the wrist up while squeezing your forearm muscles. Repeat the same process for your other wrist and you’re all set.
  • Execute the tennis ball squeeze: The tennis ball squeeze is one of the easiest wrist exercises we have come across. The best part is that this wrist exercise delivers quick and effective results. To execute this exercise, all you need to do is squeeze a tennis ball using maximum pressure- without causing pain. Try to do it for 10 seconds, and you’re good to go.

Managing wrist pain

Wrist pain from handstands can be super discomforting and unbearable sometimes. But guess what, we have found some fantastic solutions that can help suppress the problem you’re experiencing. For people tired of living with all that excruciating wrist pain, here are some solutions we have found, and we implore you to give them a try.

Take some time off to rest: If you begin to feel pain from your handstand practice, then its time to take some rest. Don’t ignore the pain you’re feeling and continue with your handstand practice, as doing so could further complicate issues. There is nothing wrong with taking some days off until you feel better again.

Use wrist protectors: Wrist protectors not only improve your performance but also keeps your wrist protected from possible injuries. Thankfully, there are tons of options on the market today, so you’ll find one that works for you.

Try to stretch regularly: The importance of wrist stretching cannot be overemphasised. Stretching regularly will keep your wrist in excellent condition and will allow you to perform at your best when executing your favourite handstand routines.

See a doctor: If you’ve tried all the earlier solutions we highlighted, but you still feel pains in your wrist, it’s time to visit your doctor. Your doctor will make a robust diagnosis to figure out the cause of your wrist pains.

Best wrist protectors for handstand

If you’re serious about protecting your wrist from injuries, now is a great time to get yourself hooked with the best wrist protectors for handstands. Stay with us as we run you through some of our favourite wrist protectors for handstands.

Doctor Developed Premium Wrist Support/Wrist Strap/Wrist

For handstand enthusiasts, you’ll fall head over heel for this fantastic wrist support for handstand. We love the fact that it is lightweight, comfortable and made from breathable materials.

Designed with your safety in mind, this wrist support brace, nicely wraps around your wrist and palm, providing that tight grip that your wrist is missing. The cool part is that you can wear it on either hand. Plus, you can find the right size that works for you without sweating it.


  • Lightweight and breathable
  • Ergonomic and super comfortable
  • Provides that solid grip your wrist needs


  • Designed for only one hand, even though it can be worn on either hand.


NeoAlly Copper Wrist Wraps

Kiss goodbye to wrist pain with this awesome wrist wraps. Whether you’re a Crossfit athlete, a fitness buff or handstand enthusiasts, you’ll find this superb wrist support a try. Fitted with adjustable velcro straps, you can adjust this wrist wraps just the way you want it.

The cool thing about this wrist support is that it provides not only support for your wrist but also your hands.

For a robust grip that protects your wrist while allowing you to perform at your best, you’ll love this brilliant wrist support.


  • Reinforced stitching
  • Adjustable velcro straps
  • Super comfortable


  • Limits movement a bit


Copper Compression Wrist Brace

If you want wrist support that guarantees optimum support for your wrist and protection from injuries, this is the one for you. Its solid design ensures you perform at your best.

Fitted with adjustable straps, this fantastic wrist support can be adjusted to meet your wrist support needs. And you know the best part? It comes in two pairs, so both of your wrists will be protected all day long.


  • Reinforced stitching, so will not rip apart easily.
  • Super comfortable
  • Fitted with adjustable straps


  • No warranty

Frequently asked questions

Can I get wrist injuries from handstand?

Wrist injuries from handstand are prevalent, especially if you’re just starting out and not getting your form right.

Does wrist support help with wrist injuries?

Wearing wrist support for handstands is very important if you want to keep injuries at bay.

Can you prevent wrist injuries from handstand?

If you warm up regularly and try to get your positioning right, you should be able to stay injury-free when executing a handstand.


Wrist injuries from handstand are very real and come with severe pain you may not be able to deal with. That said, you can keep your wrist protected if you warm up regularly, wear the right wrist protector and go the extra mile to get your positioning right.