Wrist Pain Pinky Side – How To Fix It With These Treatments

Are you feeling pain on the pinky side of wrist? Well, you’re not alone as thousands of people suffer from similar conditions around the globe. And you know what, the condition can be managed, so there is no cause for concern.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves and bring you up to speed on everything you need to know about pain in pinky side of wrist.

ulnar wrist pain: what is the cause?

There are many medical conditions or injuries that can cause pain on the pinky side of the wrist, and treatment depends on the cause. That said, ulnar wrist pain can occur just outside the pinky side of the wrist.

Usually, this pain can be super painful and may even prevent you from engaging in the things you love the most. And we doubt you’ll like that very much. Well, that’s why you shouldn’t take it for granted.

When you start feeling pain on your pinkie finger, the right thing to do is see a doctor who will examine your wrist and carry out necessary diagnosis. In some cases, X-rays might be taken.

Here, check out some cause of wrist pain pinky finger side:

  • Wrist fractures: One of the major causes of pain on the pinky side is wrist fractures. So if you’ve recently fractured your wrist, there is a high chance that the pain you are feeling in your pinkie is due to the fracture you recently sustained.
  • Arthritis: If you have arthritis, then the pain in your pinkie may be due to that.
  • Inflammation and irritation: An inflammation or irritation to the tendons that flex or extend the wrist can trigger severe pain in the pinkie.
  • Nerve injury or compression has also been found to cause wrist tendon pain pinky side.
  • Mass like tumours like ganglion cysts which are sometimes benign can also cause ulnar wrist pain.
  • Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Injury: When there is tear between the ulnar bone and other structures around the wrist, you may begin to experience ulnar wrist pain.
  • ulnar impaction syndrome: This condition can cause pain in the pinkie. It usually occurs because of the wear and tear of cartilages and ligaments and is caused by excessive pressure.

What are the signs and symptoms of ulnar wrist pain?

There are many telltale symptoms of ulnar wrist pain. While some of these symptoms are severe, others are mild and may fizzle away if you take some time to rest. Another thing you should know is that the pain can be felt either during rest or movement. That said, here are some top symptoms of ulnar wrist pain you should know:

  • A popping or clicking sound that becomes pronounced during movement. The pain is usually sharp and almost unbearable.
  • Sharp pain that often occurs on the pinky side of the wrist
  • Decreased strength in the hand when trying to grip strongly
  • Loss of wrist movement, especially as it relates to rotation of the forearm. In severe cases, this can limit lateral mobility of wrist towards the pinky side.

How is ulnar pain diagnosed?

There are many ways to diagnose ulnar wrist pain. For a start, doctors will take a look at your medical history and conduct physical examinations. During the process, your doctor will ask many pertinent questions, including:

  • Are you suffering from any medical condition that can cause pain in your wrist?
  • Have you treated any previous wrist injuries
  • Did you suddenly start feeling wrist pain or the pain has been there for some time (days, week or even long)?
  • Were you engaged in a particular activity that directly caused the pain you’re feeling?
  • How severe is the pain?
  • Are you involved in activities or hobbies that require repetitive motion?

After asking all these pertinent questions, your doctor will proceed to feel your wrist to take note of any sign of masses, swelling, scars, tenderness, redness or other signs of deformity. To take diagnosis up a notch, your doctor may also conduct wrist movement tests to examine the range of motion, source of pain and overall strength.

In severe cases of pinkie side wrist pain, your doctor may request for imaging tests including x-rays, ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), wrist arthrography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Treatment options

The treatment options for pain on the pinky side of the wrist varies from one patient to another. And that’s because there are different causes of ulnar wrist pain. So depending on diagnosis, treatment options may include a combination of different treatment options. That said, here are some treatment options for wrist pain you should know:

  • You may be asked to take anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving medications like naproxen, ibuprofen or steroid injections which help to ease the pain you’re feeling.
  • Sometimes making lifestyles changes like changing your hand positioning during repetitive motion will help.
  • Physical therapy, like exercises, helps to strengthen tendons and ligaments in the wrist. It also helps with mobility.
  • Casting or splinting the affected wrist has also been discovered to help manage ulnar wrist pain.
  • In severe cases, surgery may be carried out to remove a growth or other causes of nerve compression. Surgery may also be needed to treat arthritis or fractures.

Frequently asked questions

Why does my wrist hurt on the pinky side?

There are many reasons why you may be feeling pains on your pinky side. That said, ulnar wrist pain may be due to existing health conditions like wrist fractures, arthritis, repetitive motion syndrome or physical injury to your wrist.

When should you see a doctor for pinkie pain?

Although not all pinky pain requires you to see a doctor, when the pain becomes unbearable, swollen or inflamed, its time to visit your doctor for prompt diagnosis and treatment.

How do you fix ulnar pain

There are many treatment options for ulnar pain. And most times, treatment options depend on the cause of your pinky pain.


ulnar wrist pain is a very common condition that affects tons of people around the world. Thankfully, it isn’t life-threatening and can be treated using myriads of treatment options. So don’t just go about bearing the pain you feel, a visit to your doctor may just be all you need to know why your pinky hurts.